
Grand Opening of the Centennial Patio

Sign built by Scandia Honey

Nora and her steer Marvin

Johnson float at the Centennial parade in Scandia 2017
Today we are proud to be active members of the Scandia community and surrounding areas. Warren and Holly are both board members of the Scandia Community Centre. In 2017 we celebrated the 100th anniversary of our small hamlet, where we all helped to organize an event to remember. ​ In September of 2024 part of the Scandia Community Centre was demolished due to a deteriorating floor and building. The new build is currently underway, and we are excited about our new Hall and entryway!
The Johnsons were founding members of Salem Lutheran Church and Warren is on the Church Board. In May of 2019, Salem Lutheran Church celebrated 100 years of ministry in the area with over 200 in attendance! The EID Hisotorical Park is located in Scandia and ​contains two provincially designated historic resources: our 1927 Wheat Pool Elevator and the Bow slope stockyards. Blaine is a current board member and is working on necessary elevator repairs.
Holly is an elected Councilor with the County of Newell and proudly represents Scandia, Rainier, Bow City and the surrounding farms, ranches and acreages.
4-H is an important part of learning for the next generation, and both Blaine and Holly have been involved as leaders over the years. The kids have been involved with beef, sheep, shooting, judging and cooking projects. Each year the kids participate in at least one community service and public speaking event. ​